Friday, August 3, 2012

August Newsletter

We are so incredibly blessed to have our little girl home!!  We have had so much fun getting to know her these past few weeks.  Our feelings are mixed because in reality this only just the beginning and we at times feel like we are on a path of discovery with her, but at other times, it feels like she's been with us forever.

So while we are still getting to know her and will enjoy the process of seeing her little personality develop, we wanted to introduce her to you and give you a glimpse of what we are discovering.

Maya has a great little sense of humor and gets a mischevious look in her eye when she is "joking" with us.  She is the bravest little girl we know - There are so many new and scary things in her world now.  Things that you can see truly frighten her, but she is not easily spooked.  She tackles things head on and we together deal with the fear.  She is a survivor and a fighter.  She is strong willed and quite stubborn.  She is sweet, charming, affectionate and loves to cuddle.  When she is someplace new or with new people she becomes very calm, quiet and observant.  But at home and at our dacha with Zhenya's family she is very active and talkative.  The girl is also physically one active little wiggle worm.  Which after having one certain little Mr. wiggle worm, doesn't really phase us.  Her favorite thing to do is to talk on the phone.  I kid you not.  Give her a phone and she is smiling, laughing, and off and talking.

We have loved these precious few weeks we have had with her and are having a blast watching her adapt and grow.  We are amazed how smooth this transition has been and are so thankful for all of your prayers.  Please continue to pray for her and for us as we continue strengthen our bond.  Pray that each relationship will be sweet, special and strong, with her Papa, Mama and her brother.

ADOPTION update:

As we have mentioned before, Zhenya will be taking the first step and adopting Maya alone.  He alone will be legally her parent until I can do it later on.  This is, by far, not the easiest route, but the route we have decided on taking now.  We hired a lawyer and it quickly became painfully obvious how much will need her help.  As our represntative, she turned in Zhenya's adoption paperwork last Thursday.  Fortunately she caught the judge before she left on vacation and was able to talk to her personally.  However, it soon became clear that the judge absolutely does not want to take on this case.  For every ridiculus question and statement that the judge had, our lawyer was able to answer and represent us well.  We now have until August 14th to get a few more papers together and then if it's acceptable we'll be given a court date.
Please pray for the gathering of the rest of the paperwork, that it will be accepted and that we will actually be given a court date!!!

Thanks for hangin in there with us through all of this!

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